Implementing Live Engagement Tools: Polls, Quizzes and Q&A

Classes taken through digital medium requires good engagement and interaction between student and teacher. It is essential to enagage them in meaningful conversations and interact them in the best possible way. Artificial Intelligence can help a lot in this process. They are easy to use and have a user friendly interface. Implementing live engagement tools is an integral part of digital interaction. Assignnments and quizzes can help in interaction as well as analysation of students. In this post, we will explore some of those options.

1. Interactive Live Engagement tool-Poll

Polls are an important tool for interaction among students. During live classes, a teacher can ask questions to the participants about the topic to maintain interest among students. It will also enable them to give their opinions about the topic being taught and will be an insightful experience.

Some of the AI tools that can be used are

  1. Vevox- This site can help you in creating polls by just entering a topic or a small description about it. There will be no worry about creating perfect questions during classes.
  2. Survey Monkey- This site has a large number of templates to choose from and can create polls for pre-session and questions. It provides insights about audience’s data and can help the presenter in making good presentations.
  3. Microsoft Forums- This is a tool that integrates with other Microsoft services and can help in creating polls with better insights.

Implementing Live Engagement Tool- Quizzes

In online platforms, it is important for an educator to involve the students in quizzes and assignments. It will create a better platform for children to interact and learn more. Quizzes will help a teacher in getting a view about a student’s progress and can guide him better.

You can take help of AI tools given below: This platform is mobile friendly and can make quizzes easily. It is a customisable option and has a lot of templates. It also has a leaderboard feature and will make your process easier


2. Quizgecko- It is a multi-language platform and can create quizzes for a global audience. It can help a student to learn in his own comfort and attempt questions. It allows for a variety of questions like multiple chpice questions, short answers and one word answer.


3.Quillionz- This Ai interface makes questions based on self assesment for both teachers and students. You can upload a PDF to generate a quiz easily.

3. Q&A- a Feedback Tool

Implementing this live engagement tool is beneficial in gaining feedback from students. This can contain questions about the quality of the sessions and the topics discussed. It can also consist of the a live interacting platform where a student can ask his questions about the course and can interact with the educator easily.

Key Takeaways

Implementing live engagement tools like quizzes and polls can help you in interacting with students better and will also make your course better. These tools will make your course more inclusive and will include all the students easily.

You can refer to the below link for more content like this.

Link: Creating Interactive Course: Free Online Tools You Can Use

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