Terms of Service

These Terms of Use (“Terms”) explain the rules for using our website, courses, and other services (“Services”). By using Scrollwell, you agree to these Terms.

Who Can Use Scrollwell?

Our Services are for folks 18 and older. By using them, you confirm you’re at least 18 and legally able to agree to these Terms. If you’re using Scrollwell for an organization, you confirm you have the authority to bind them to the Terms.

What You Can Do With Scrollwell

We grant you a license to access and use Scrollwell for personal, non-commercial purposes. This means you can’t:

  • Resell our Services
  • Share course content publicly
  • Modify or copy our Services
  • Use robots or data mining tools on our platform
  • Download anything beyond what’s allowed (like page caching)

Enrolling in Courses and Lifetime Access

When you enroll in a course, you get a license to view it on Scrollwell, not download or share it. We grant lifetime access to paid courses, except in rare cases where we must disable a course due to legal or policy reasons.

Education Research

By using Scrollwell, you agree we might use anonymized data from you to improve our educational offerings. You can opt-out of this by contacting us.

Changes to Scrollwell

We’re constantly improving! We may add or remove features, or even stop offering a Service entirely. You can stop using Scrollwell anytime, and we can stop providing Services or limit your access at any time.

What We Don’t Guarantee

We provide Scrollwell “as is” and “as available.” This means we don’t guarantee it will always be uninterrupted, secure, or error-free.

Limitations of Liability

In short, Scrollwell isn’t liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from your use of the Services. This includes things like lost profits, data loss, or goodwill.

Protecting Scrollwell

You agree to defend Scrollwell from any claims or damages resulting from your violation of these Terms.

Governing Law and Disputes

These Terms are governed by Indian law, and any disputes will be settled in courts located in Noida, India.

Updates to These Terms

We may update these Terms occasionally. We’ll post the updated version on our website. Keep an eye out for changes, and by continuing to use Scrollwell after we update the Terms, you agree to the new version.

Scrollwell Academy Platform

Access and Registration

These Terms of Use also apply to the Scrollwell Academy platform (“Platform”), which includes courses, content, public forums, and other services. To access the Platform, you must be 18 or older (or have parental consent if between 13 and 18). By using the Platform, you represent you have the necessary permissions.

Content and Public Forums

  • Content: Refers to courses and materials offered by Scrollwell Academy. You get a limited license to view this content for personal, non-commercial use. Downloading content for temporary viewing is allowed in some cases.
  • Public Forums: These are spaces for you to discuss course content with instructors and other learners. Participation is optional, and we reserve the right to remove content that violates these Terms.

Acceptable Use Policy

You agree to use Scrollwell for lawful purposes only. This means not using it to:

  • Break any laws
  • Harm minors
  • Spam others
  • Impersonate someone
  • Interfere with Scrollwell or other users
  • Introduce viruses or other harmful code
  • Hack into Scrollwell
  • Overload or disrupt Scrollwell

Code of Conduct

We expect respectful behavior on the Platform. Here are some specific guidelines:

  • Legitimate Usage: Use the Platform for lawful purposes only and avoid illegal activities.
  • No Harmful Content: Don’t post content that incites violence, causes harm, or is otherwise objectionable.
  • No Hate Speech: Avoid hateful or defamatory language targeting individuals or groups.
  • No Violent Content: Don’t upload content that glorifies violence or terrorism.
  • No Harassment or Bullying: The Platform is a safe space for learning. Harassment and bullying are not tolerated.
  • No Spam: Don’t post unsolicited or repetitive content.
  • No Scams: Don’t use the Platform for fraudulent activity.
  • Privacy: Respect the privacy of yourself and others.
  • Impersonation: Don’t impersonate others.
  • Unauthorized Access: Don’t try to gain unauthorized access to the Platform.

We may restrict your access to the Platform or remove content you post if it violates these Terms.

Intellectual Property

All information and materials on the Platform, including content and trademarks, belong to Scrollwell Academy (“Creator’s Intellectual Property”). You may not modify or distribute this property without permission.


If you submit feedback about the Platform or content, you grant Scrollwell Academy a right to use it without restrictions.

Payments and Refunds

You may need to pay a fee to access certain content (“Content Fee”). Payments are processed through third-party providers. Once you purchase access to content, it cannot be refunded unless otherwise stated in the Scrollwell Academy Refund Policy.


The Platform is provided “as is” and “as available” without warranties of any kind. Scrollwell Academy does not guarantee the Platform will be uninterrupted, error-free, or meet your requirements.

Limitation of Liability

Scrollwell Academy will not be liable for any damages arising from your use of the Platform.

Indemnity and Release

You agree to indemnify Scrollwell Academy for any claims or damages resulting from your violation of these Terms.

Links to Third-Party Websites

Scrollwell Academy is not responsible for the content of any linked websites.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms are governed by the laws of Scrollwell Academy’s home jurisdiction (as provided on the Platform). You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at that location.


  • Changes to the Platform or Terms: Scrollwell Academy reserves the right to make changes to the Platform and these Terms at any time.
  • Waiver: Scrollwell Academy’s failure to enforce a provision of these Terms does not constitute a waiver.
  • Assignment: You may not assign or transfer this Agreement.
  • Severability: If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in effect.
  • Events Beyond Reasonable Control: Scrollwell Academy will not be held responsible for delays due to causes beyond its reasonable control.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact Scrollwell at info@scrollwell.com