Flexi-an Innovative AI Tutoring app

CK-12 Foundation India has introduced a new technology in the form of combination of AI technology and education. Flexi is an innovative app that is free to use and is user friendly.

About Flexi

Flexi is a revolutionary technology that is for students to learn in an effective way. It is easy to use and free of cost for every student. It helps a child to ask questions easily. This app is available in more than 300 languages and various dialects. This app is based on CK-12 curriculum and uses ChatGPT to make learning easier for students.

Recent Developments

In recent developments, Flexi app is integrated with social media platforms WhatsApp. This social media site has 400 million plus users. It is easy to use and doesn’t require more devices. Proper guidance by parents can be provided to children and they can study easily. This app has many languages and a child can learn in his own comfort.

A child can access this site on computer/ tablet or mobile phone. It has a easy interface and is user friendly.

About CK-12 Foundation

This foundation is a non profit organization that focuses on education for every child and aims for free education for everyone. It has a great curriculum and is a great help for a teacher to help students learn more.

For the official site,

Link- https://www.ck12.org/flexi/

For more interactive content, refer to the link below:

Link: Integration of Mutimedia Element Into Instructional Materials

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