ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship 2025

The ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AI-RTF) is an exclusive initiative to foster collaboration between ASEAN Member States and India in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. This fellowship provides an excellent opportunity for young researchers from ASEAN countries to work in Indian academic and research institutions, enhancing their skills and research capabilities.

Fellowship Overview

Fellowship NameASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AI-RTF)
EligibilityYoung researchers from ASEAN Member States (with specific criteria).
Number of Fellowships50 fellowships per year
Duration2 to 6 months
Application Deadline31 March 2024, 5:00 PM (IST)
Host InstitutionAny Indian academic or R&D institution (suggested list available, but candidates can choose others).
Financial SupportCovers international airfare, stipend, research contingency, institutional overheads, and visa/insurance fees.

Eligibility Criteria

NationalityASEAN Member States (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam).
Educational BackgroundAt least a Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Medicine, or allied disciplines.
Employment/EnrollmentMust be affiliated with an academic or R&D institution in the home ASEAN country.
Age LimitUpper age limit: 45 years (as of application submission date).
Other Restrictions– Applicants who availed a Government of India fellowship in the last three years are ineligible.
– Research must align with ASEAN Plan of Action on Science, Technology, and Innovation (APASTI).

Financial Support Details

International AirfareRound-trip airfare (economy class, shortest route).
Monthly FellowshipINR 60,000
Research Contingency GrantINR 40,000 (one-time).
Institutional OverheadsINR 2,500 per month.
Insurance & Visa FeesReimbursable.

Note: The host institution in India will arrange accommodation for the fellow on a payment basis.

Areas of Research

Fellowships are available in the following disciplines:

  1. Agricultural Sciences
  2. Biological and Medical Sciences
  3. Chemical Sciences & Engineering
  4. Computer Science & Engineering
  5. Physical Sciences and Mathematics
  6. Ocean, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
  7. Engineering Sciences
  8. Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy
  9. Science Policy / IPR Management / Technology Transfer
  10. Multidisciplinary areas in Science, Technology, and Innovation.

Application Process

RegistrationRegister on the ASEAN online portal and complete profile details, including bio-data and photo.
Proposal DetailsSubmit project title, summary, objectives, expected outcomes, and a PDF file of relevant documents (max 10 MB).
Documents Required– Applicant’s CV

| Submission | Submit the application online at Hard copies are not required. |

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed based on the quality of the research proposal, applicant’s academic merit, and alignment with ongoing Indian research projects.

Obligations of Fellows

  • Fellows must remain in India throughout the fellowship duration and comply with host institution regulations.
  • Research misconduct, including data fabrication or misuse of funds, is strictly prohibited.
  • A completion report must be submitted to DST/FICCI and the ASEAN Secretariat upon fellowship completion.

Contact Information

Contact DetailsContact Person/Email
Program ManagementFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), New Delhi.
Email for /
Official AddressAnusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF), 3rd & 4th Floor, Block-II, Technology Bhavan, New Delhi – 110016.
Phone Numbers+91-11-26552215, +91-11-26552279

Benefits of Fellowship

  • Opportunity to build research collaborations and networks.
  • Access to advanced research facilities in India.
  • Co-supervisors for Ph.D. or Master’s research projects.

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